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Neverlye Acne Bar, son savon ki touye et elimine bounton epi li special-man bon Pou moun ki gen po sansible. Utilizel 2-3 fwa par jour avek dlo tyèd epi tense figiw avek dlo fwèt.

Neverlye Acne Bar, is a face and body soap that’s specialized for the most sensitive skin. Helps kill and eliminate pimples, blackheads, Whiteheads also old unwanted marks.Use 2-3 times daily wash face with lukewarm water rinse with cold water each use. 

Ingredients: Active Charcoal, Raw Honey, Bamboo Extracts & Olive Oil

Disclaimer: this product isn't FDA approved. This products are not intended to cure any skin disease or prevent skin conditions. If irritations accures please discontinue ASAP. We are not certified Allergen/ Dermatologist. If product get into eyes and it irritates please wash throughly with cold sink water.

Item# NAB3535K